Complete Metamorphosis Master Series

Complete Metamorphosis Master Series

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Are you ready to transform your life completely? Is it time to shed the old layers in order to see who you truly are underneath it all. Is it time to set your authentic self free? Would you like to become the most magical,  magnificent version of yourself that you are meant to be and then become certified to help others do the same? if your answer is YESSSS ....


This 12 Month Transformational Experience is for the magical goddess who wants to reach the highest heights of her metamorphosis! If  YOU if you are unshakably ready to align with your most divine timeline and upgrade every single chakra and every single facet of your frequency and therefore your being in a way that is so sacred and intentional that you may never have even imagined you could have access to that level of healing then keep reading because this is everything you have been looking for!

This journey involves the alchemy of all 9 central chakras!

It is a very intimate 1 on 1 container with unlimited 1 on 1 support, as well as 1 on 1 live zoom support and an in person retreat… my gift to you.

This experience is very high touch and allows direct access to all of the guidance you will need to complete your souls divine metamorphosis!

After completion of the “Complete Chakra Meta experience” you are then eligible to enroll in certification training to help spread this healing, that is going to change your life, across the globe so that you can confidently use it to help others!

As a Bonus: you are invited to join one meta retreat of your choosing or co create a healing weekend away with me to for a custom, live and in person healing experience.  This divine experience is truly something to look forward to and it’s all yours, when you choose to enroll in this next year of divine transformation! 🦋🌎✨

what’s included:

✨very intimate one on one support: this container will be very one on one. I will intuitively help you weave the most divine healing path that is possible for you guiding you from code to code and from facet to facet of your humanity as we heal and alchemize every single thing that you will go through this year in the moment that you are going through it. This way dense energies will not be able to linger in your  field any longer. I will be there to help you hold the frequency in moments that it serves you to be supported and have a guide by your side, standing hand in hand with you until you know your own power! Which you will know in a way like you have never known before by the time we are done with your Metamorphosis. 

✨There will be no cookie cutter application or pre recording for you. Every thing is channeled in divine time especially for you and the divine energies at play at any given moment making this experience 100% customized to you and your specific needs Everything will be specific to you and your unique energy and your souls journey. This truly is the deepest level of intuitively guided support that you have been looking for. 

✨weekly video call 90 minute sessions for the entire year 

✨goal tracking: daily, weekly, monthly, 6 months (lunar) and 1 year goal tracking (full return). This will allow you to carefully monitor your progress and it will also help to direct the energy towards achieving the very specific goals that you set out to achieve during the course of our work together. As you level up and intentionally change your frequency throughout the year, your goals may also consistently change and I will show you how to discern where to place your energy for the most divine outcomes so that you can attract what you truly want need and desire at each phase of your metamorphosis as you level up and transform over and over again! 🦋

✨1 weekly meta code activation: you will receive at least 1 meta code activation in written form to feel into on your own and one embodiment or integration activity for that code. We will then also go over the activation of each code together via our live sessions as well. 

✨full metamorphosis : over the the course of the year you will experience the activation of all 9 new earth chakra metamorphosis frequencies & all individualized meta codes to help you recalibrate every single part of you to be free of all density, fear, pain and limiting beliefs. You will be so deeply held and supported as you recalibrate to the most pure powerful and divine energy that you can be through all 9 stages of that divine metamorphosis. 

✨the activation of the each individual code of metamorphosis for each chakra: each chakra has at least 20 + individualized facets of the healing process and you will be guided through each one. All of them specifically targeting at least one facet of your humanness that is healed and alchemized via the activation of this recoding.

✨an online portal space:I will create a way for us to connect via telegram so that in between sessions we can stay in constant communication and stay present with the energy of what you want to experience. An online space is invaluable as it can serve as a space for you to go for 24/7 support and for us to communicate between live sessions. If utilized properly you will leave this space with no more questions because we will hold space for each and every single one of them to create a strong sense of understanding and inner peace with what is and what is possible. 

✨bi- weekly 90 minute calls: these calls are where the most magic happens. Here we will dive into your energy field and remove, heal, release,  alchemize, metamorphosize & uplevel you and how you feel so that the way you hold energy in your body and manifest it out into your reality is intentional, powerful and in alignment with what you want and desire. 

✨ required sensory immersion & integration experiences: I do require you to take aligned action. You may have to do certain things to drop into the activation of a code. These things may push your edges but you will always be sovereign in your choice and you will be held and honored in all states of resistance as well. Taking an active role and Participating in these required tasks will help you to make sure you receive the activation full force but it is a vulnerable and powerfully transformative process and that will require you to tune in to this process deeply. 

✨bi- weekly mantras: we will be working on unlocking new gifts, new aspects of self, new I am resonance and so focused mantras will help you to stay open, stay focused and stay activated in your receptivity as we work to recode your mind to accept these new pieces of who you are becoming as you awaken to your true power and potential of your throat chakra and solar plexus! 

✨guided weekly meditation: meditation is such a powerful tool and if you don’t yet know how to meditate don’t fret because you will. I will activate you to master level meditation during the course of this year. You will be able to drop deeply into your own soul space at the drop of a hat even in the midst of chaos to access deep levels of peace and harmony in your soul. 

✨Breathwork & somatic healing: breath & movement practices for reconnecting you & your mind to every part of your physical body as well creating a conscious awareness of all of the power and energy that flows through it and what to do with your physical body to tap into that in a new and more divine way than you can now. 

✨the awakening: during this process you will experience an awakening because everything that you will learn in this course is not what you have been taught.  It will awaken new ways of being, thinking, doing and believing. You will awaken your own divinity your own divine gifts and your magic… plus you will learn to harness your  own your gifts so that you can start amplifying your impact and start manifesting your dream life. You will even awaken to your souls purpose and how to start living it with ease. If you have already awakened your gifts, then you will amplify them tenfold or discover new ones. This evolutionary process unlocks more of everything that serves your highest good. Things get better for you in every way. 

✨Akashic record access: we must remember who we are in order to live the reality that we choose for ourselves. We must see all of our mistakes, our missteps, our trauma, our pain and our suffering of the past to be able to close the loop that brings it into the future with you. This is a very special gift and space and when the time is right I will activate you as a keeper of the record. You will be able to access information about yourself and others but this is a very sacred rite of practice. It will be unlocked in the 3rd quarter of the year. Until then we will journey in and out of your akashic record only for your healing and evolutionary purposes. Also I don’t just read the records for you like a typical Akashic record keeper. I bring you into the records to read your own and actually see for yours who you are. 

✨Meeting your spirit team & higher self: learning to have faith in your relationship with the divine. Enhancing your own decision making and building up trust where it must be mended so that you can learn to trust yourself and your ability to be supported at the highest levels in the universe. 

✨ weekly journal prompts: reflection is key you must take time to reflect on what is happening in your world. Journaling keeps you present with your thoughts and it will help you to be aware of what you are feeling & experiencing so that you can make a decision about whether that is something you want to shift or not. Only you can choose your journey so journaling on these specifically curated journal prompts will help you to curate that journey with more love and intention. 

✨frequency healing: the science behind how all of this works is that we are taking out of resonance with an old earth frequencies that kept you limited, dependent, powerless, and unfulfilled and we are instead recalibrating your energy field to the most divine frequency possible for each specific type of energy that you may hold and ever experIence so that you can actually vibrate in harmony with the life that you want by becoming the version of yourself that is able to clearly receive it! 

✨ 1 free retreat a year: this can be a personal one on one 3day weekend a way with just me and you, or you can come to any one of my retreats that I host that year. We can choose and curate the most divine experience for you together! This is a very special in person integration journey that will help you to use what you have learned and help be a part of helping the planet step into a planetary metamorphosis as well. So that we can all return to our hugest and best tineline and be free of lower vibrational energies once and for all. 

✨✨✨and that is just the start! Together we will journey through literally every facet of your humanness helping it to feel safe and loved and healed and then divine. We will dive deep into spaces and places that your mind has been taught to protect you from reaching by yourself. I will be there to walk with you through all of it! You will be so safe and so loved and so supported as you journey through these huge life changing transformations. 

If you feel in your soul that you are ready to do what it takes to be able to spread your wings and soar to new heights, then consider this.... The Metamorphosis Master Series may be exactly what your soul is craving! This program walks you step by step through healing and transmuting everything that does not serve your soul now so that you can rise and step into your higher, most divine version of yourself possible. It walks you through how to establish yourself as the new more aligned more abundant more powerful version of self that you are becoming and how to start living your souls purpose out loud at the next level. Isn’t that what you came here to do?  🦋

This is the path into the cocoon and out again so that you can transition from human to divine and awaken the most magnificent and magical aspects of who you are! Just imagine the version of yourself that you could become a year from now with access to this level of healing and transformational guidance. You will be at the top of your game! You could  have the house, the dream job, the partner, whatever it is that you most desire can be yours when you step into your divine metamorphosis and become the you that it takes to get those things! 

All Programs that I offer have a payment plan option with affirm and PayPal, and we can create custom payment plans as well.

 The referral bonus on this program is $1000!!! 🙌🏻 Both you and your friend will receive this bonus off of your total investment when you enroll together. 🦋⭐️

If this sounds like what you have been searching for and you are ready to drop into the journey that gets you there then this year long, intensive, transformational experience will be pure life changing for you! It will upgrade  your life in ways that you can never ever imagine! I will help you to boldly step into your divinity! This is my promise to you and you will see it manifest over and over and over again over the course of this next year! I am so excited to connect soon and thank you for choosing to step powerfully into this one of a kind divine metamorphosis! I will see you soon goddess!!