Sovereign Chakra Metamorphosis

Sovereign Chakra Metamorphosis

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Hey beautiful soul! I am so excited that you are here and ready to step into your divine metamorphosis! You are going to love this process and I am celebrating you for making this choice for yourself! 

How can Chakra Meta Help You: 

Working with the chakras of the future is not and will not be the same as working with the chakras of the past. We are raising our vibration as a collective and we are here to evolve and ascend. We do that by ascending in frequency and it is time for our light bodies and energetic bodies to start reflecting these shifts. 

 This specific way of stepping into your metamorphosis is completely about stepping into chakra metamorphosis with sovereignty of choice in where you need the healing and the divine upgrades the most I your life! We work to get to the root of what is holding you back from living your greatness and focus on the recalibration of that until it no longer lives in you the same way it once did. In Sovereign Chakra Meta we focus on just ONE chakra and recalibrate one facet of your humaness at a time via meta codes that target specific areas of your energetic makeup. The goal is to transform at least 14 ways of being per Soverign chakra meta course. Each Chakra has about 50 codes in total (some more some less) but not all codes will need to be activated to shift you into alignment with your highest timelines. We will focus on the ones that do.

Your Sovereign Chakra Metamorphosis helps you to evolve at your own pace in a very real and authentically integrated & embodied way that makes the energy shift last within you and ripple out powerfully into your world and your reality.

There is no reason these healing processes cant be everything you have ever dreamed for yourself. In fact they have already helped so many and you are more than ready to receive the same outcome! All you have to do is be willing to do is unlearn the old ways that do not serve and replace them with the divine ways that do. Of you are open to new possibilities you will align yourself with the divine ones that I offer. Only you know what that divine way of being truly looks like for you. This part is different for everyone but the frequency of what is divine is consistent and I will show you how to consistently release and embody your energy so that you can achieve your goals and feel empowered to show up in the way that is the most divine for you. 

What is Chakra Meta

Chakra Metamorphosis is the 12D frequency alchemization of the old earth chakras so that you can vibrate as your higher self in all things as you process your reality and spin your life into form in a new more divine way going forward. It is the the activation of the Chakra System of your future higher self. It is the energetic makeup that allows you to vibrate out of the 3D a matrix and start to know yourself as who you are at your highest potential free from all limiting beliefs. Chakra Meta is essentially a mind hack to overwrite the ego and all of its limitations and patterns to set yourself free. 

This journey is personalized to your unique energy signature and soul blueprint.  

What is included:

✨at least 14 meta code activations. 

✨x1 weekly live zoom sessions until you have completed all of the code activations for the chakra that you are alchemizing.

✨ 3-4 months of healing based on your pace. (14 sessions give or take) 

✨ complete mini chakra meta code activations for aligning and awakening your next level divine energies.

✨ direct message support and private Facebook container page for support in between sessions. 

✨personalized activations and channeling

✨unique challenges and integration practices with each unique code each week. You will have to do a unique task or create a unique experience for yourself each week based on the energy we are upgrading. This creates new neural pathways and helps you to quantum leap over old timelines where you didn’t do things like what you will be doing now. 🦋

✨accountability, unlimited support & guidance. 

✨as well as whatever other magical perks want to come through for you!

There is no limit to what you can achieve at the next level when you become your higher self. Now is the time to step into that divine chrysalis and prepare your body to contain the energies of your future self now so that you can actually get the dream job, the dream client, the dream team, the dream lover, the dream life. 

There are 9 soverign chakras in the Chakra Metamorphosis Light body upgrade. Not the typical 7. During this process we will activate you to uncover two more energy centers and help you to embody two more levels of higher vibrational energies than the human body previously contained.

When you have finished with one and are ready to return for the next phase in your evolution whether it is after a couple of days, weeks, months, years   how ever long you choose before you move onto the next chakra, You will just repurchase this experience and it will be custom fit to your next journey and the next 14+ facets of you and who you are ready to become through the next chapter at the next frequency in a new and exciting way!🌀🦋💫

After  you have finished the upgrade of all 9 Chakras you are then also then eligible for Chakra Meta Practitioner Certification tobe trained as an elite chakra meta practitioner and facilitator. 

  **After purchase an email will be sent out for booking. If you prefer text please also leave your phone number and confirmation for booking will be sent to you within 24 hours💖 

Waitlists have been known to be anywhere between 1-6 weeks. Please reach out if you would like to know what the waitlist is at now. Otherwise I encourage you to trust that everything is happening with divine timing at the most divine moment possible. 

If you need a payment plan please check out with affirm which lets you split the cost into 4 or 6 payments or Pay pal pay later which allows you to split the cost into up to 24 payments . If you need a more customized payment option, we will set up a private payment schedule through square. And remember you can book your spot for only $500 at the deposit link on the home page. A custom payment plan is available for the rest of that specific purchase as well.

If you want it, you get it! it’s that easy! We make things happen goddess! This will be you as well! No hesitation, no fear! You get to receive exactly what you are calling in in and gets to be such a beautiful peaceful journey with me by your side. ✨

See ya soon Goddess! 🫶🏻